We provide funding and services to 12 lending co-ops that finance rural real estate, agribusiness and agricultural production. We’re also active in the capital markets, participating in large loans to agribusiness companies and rural infrastructure providers.
We provide funding and services to 12 lending co-ops that finance rural real estate, agribusiness and agricultural production. We’re also active in the capital markets, participating in large loans to agribusiness companies and rural infrastructure providers.
As a wholesale lender, Farm Credit Bank of Texas delivers funding to the 12 retail lending cooperatives that own the bank, as well as two Other Financing Institutions. These funds come from the sale of highly rated Farm Credit bonds and notes.
In turn, our 12 affiliated lending co-ops in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas make loans to their borrowers – farmers, ranchers, aquatic harvesters, agribusiness firms, rural landowners and rural homeowners.
In addition, we provide our affiliated lending co-ops with credit expertise, centralized information technology, accounting systems and human resource services to help lower their operating costs.
That’s not all. We also participate with other lenders in large capital markets loans to food, agribusiness, energy, rural utility and rural telecommunications companies. These alliances with other lenders allow us to offer financial solutions for even the largest rural customers.