Names of potential nominees for the board position 1 and board position 2 from Region 1 for the Farm Credit Bank of Texas Board of Directors may be submitted to the Nominating Committee by any director or stockholder of an association holding voting stock in the Bank or by any Bank director. Any individual who is a voting stockholder of an association may submit his or her own name to the Nominating Committee as a potential candidate.
The Nominating Committee will consider and evaluate the qualifications of any individual whose name is submitted to the Committee as a potential director candidate.
Each candidate nominated by the Nominating Committee will need to complete the attached Candidate Disclosure and Qualification Statement and return it to the Nominating Committee through the FCBT Election Committee as follows:
Care of Carolyn Owen
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
P.O. Box 202590
Austin, Texas 78720-2590
The deadline for nominations from the floor is September 27, 2013.
The Nominating Committee will consider and evaluate the qualifications of any individual whose name is submitted to the Committee as a potential director candidate.